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Glock Aid 2005

Today a few volunteers outside the library succesfully raised a fair amount of money for Glock Aid 2005. “What’s Glock Aid 2005?” you ask. Essentially, Chris C. (Alabama’s unwanted son) wants to buy a handgun (a Glock, to be precise) and to raise money for this endeavour he spent all morning cooking and then from midday until 4:00pm selling his baked goods outside the Main Library.

D. P., having made a donation, helps himself to some baked goods.

All sorts of people turned up and inquired about the cause. Some bought out of hunger, some bought out of desire for scrumptious brownies, and some gave from their hearts out of their desire to see Chris C. well-armed.

The sign.

The reactions of some to this charitable endeavour were surprising. Some were very enthusiastic, others hurled vulgar language. Some gave us sassy attitudes, others gave us money.

Emma Benson (above) was supportive of the cause but declined to purchase any of the baked goods on offer, which included brownies, shortbreard, and chocolate cake topped with coconut.

The esteemed Callum Duffy came by to inspect the goods, make a donation, and support the cause.

The Glock would be useful in dealing with potential tea-towel-clad terrorist enemies, as depicted above.

After I invoked the gung-ho Deerfield spirit, Bronxvillian Katie Cralle searched for a donation.

Manuel, perhaps St Andrews’ only Greco-Spaniard, volunteered to man the bake sale.

Even our good friends Clive Pelbrough-Power and George Bulmer showed up to add to the community spirit and take a break from revision [US English: studying].

Come to think of it, about six or seven people who stopped and either bought goodies, made donations, or were merely interested inquired “Shouldn’t you guys be revising?” or “Don’t you guys have any studying to do?” And of course, we do, but our charitable spirit caused us to come out and support a charitable effort in aid of our friend. Oliver George Wilson from last night even showed up, much more composed, and supported the cause.

Glock Aid 2005 raised funds amounting to about 14% of the Glock’s cost, and I believe might be outside the library again tommorrow from 12 to 4. All donations are welcome.

Published at 4:39 am on Thursday 12 May 2005. Categories: Journal Photos St Andrews.
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