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Stat Belgium, stat Europa

Victor Davis Hanson has suggested in his “Letter to the Europeans” that we Americans believe the European Union is a “flawed concept”. But is it possible to make such a pronouncement when there exist such varying definitions as to what precisely is the “concept” behind the E.U.? The original concept (at least the version released for public consumption) was European unity as a peaceful alliance of friendly nations which would cooperate in various endeavors such as the creation of a common market. . . . [Read more]
Published at 9:45 pm on Thursday 3 July 2008. Categories: Politics Tags: , , , .

The EU is doing now exactly what it’s always been doing – using international law to limit the powers of nation-states. There is no “federal state” and there isn’t going to be. Just more of the same! And of course there neither is nor ever was anything “free” about it. Once a treaty is signed it cannot be unsigned, and as the EU expands with each passing decade the possibility of any one country withdrawing (save unilaterally, with all the sanctions that would entail) becomes more and more remote.

It didn’t start as a “trading club”. That was just the lie that British politicians told voters in this country. It started as the European Coal and Steel Community – and before that it had actually had a former life in the form of the League of Nations, which was essentially part of the same “Project”.

Hitler of course hated the League of Nations and he hated the very concept of international law. The point of the EU is to stop men like Hitler and Napoleon ever coming to power in Europe again. What’s more significant than that Brussels is the capital of Belgium though is that Belgium is the capital of NATO. Without NATO, keeping the Yanks it, the Russkies out and the Krauts down, the EU could not exist.

Oliver McCarthy 5 Jul 2008 7:31 pm


AG 5 Jul 2008 7:34 pm
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