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Bronxville Library

I do miss my library. In a perfect world, I would spend half the day wandering through various libraries of lower Westchester and the City. Of course we have a university library here in St Andrews, but its selection is fairly poor, especially in the subjects in which I am particularly interested.

A few years back they found a Childe Hassam painting in the janitor’s closet or somewhere in the Bronxville Library, which they auctioned off to raise funds for an extension. Luckily the expansion was tastefully executed in a sympathetic style, but one of the misfortunes is that the whole place was ‘restored’. Over-restoration has the unfortunate effect of making old wood look shiny and new, which is lamentable. People need to learn to let things grow old with dignity and grace.

Photos: Peter Gisolfi Associates

Published at 10:13 am on Monday 17 April 2006. Categories: Architecture Books New York Tags: .

oh, and the St. Andrews library is so heinous. I have to say that the modernisation of the Larchmont library was also overdone, making one feel uncomfortable most any time. The NY Society Library probably hits the best balance between old school and having enjoyable resources. Well-played by them.

AB 17 Apr 2006 11:38 pm

Yes, the Larchmont library is lacking in charm and comfort, which is rather a shame because it’s somewhat pretty on the outside at least. I usually just head in, find what I want, and leave, but sometimes I linger in one of the study carrels in the basement room where most of the non-fiction and architecture books are.

Haven’t been to the NYSL yet, but will probably will join once I’m back full time.

Of course Yale’s library was so comfortable and the book I was being forced to read for American Literature so dull (Toni Morrison) that I easily fell asleep in Sterling. Those comfy chairs!

Andrew Cusack 18 Apr 2006 3:44 am

That is a nice library. Glasgows is good in terms of content (Im a classicist so therefore like that sort of thing), but have all sorts of bureaucracy that make it nigh impossible to get a book out for any length of time.

It is also a hideous building with only two lifts, one of which usually does not work, and the other is usually occupied by the universities janitorial staff.

Kenneth Hislop 18 Apr 2006 10:02 am

Thank you for the picture of the Bronxville Library.It brought back numerous fond memories as my mother worked there for many years! This June marks the 20th Aniversary of her passing.Again thank you. Best, Pat

Patricia Rossi 18 Apr 2006 10:25 am
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