London, GB | Formerly of New York, Buenos Aires, Fife, and the Western Cape. | Saoránach d’Éirinn.

Caroline Gill Has Gone to Pot

The past two days have been enjoyable. Yesterday, after getting my driver’s license renewed (it expired upon my twenty-first), I highed off to neighbouring Mamaroneck and had some Walter’s with Adam, recently made Bachelor of Arts from that place up in New Haven. You know, he hadn’t had one of Walter’s world-famous hot dogs in two years?!? Imagine that! And he only lives just over in Larchmont. Quel ridicule!

Nonetheless, after our great American luncheon we resolved to take advantage of my new legal status by engaging in a midday (well, early afternoon) pint in Larchmont. We were much disappointed, however, when we discovered that practically all the preferred drinking holes did not open until at least the fourth hour. Mournfully, we retreated to Adam’s front porch for some cool ginger ale, good conversation, and a flip through the paper before adjourning.

Today was leisurely as well. After dropping in for a chat at the bookshop in town, I called upon the Gills and was finally introduced to Daisy, their latest corgi, purchased during my academic period abroad. Caroline suggested I rest in the hammock while she potted some flowers in the garden, and I happily obliged. Above is the view from the hammock as Caro gives the dogs (behind the chairs) a corrective glance.

There they are! Daisy and Duncan. Duncan’s been there for a little while now, whereas Daisy is the newcomer. Duncan is the successor to the late Shadow Mountain Indigo Rerun, of blessed memory, more commonly known to his owners, friends, and companions as ‘Bucky’. (I, on occasion, gave him the moniker ‘Buckminster’).

Buckminster, during his earthly life.

Daisy has a floppy ear which she only raises to full sail occasionally. Caro and I made idle chatter for a while. Even Caroline is upset at my lack of summer employment. “How will you afford to come out drinking?” she inquired worringly. Worrying indeed.

After leaving Caro’s I headed to the fish section of the Food Emporium to visit the-fishmonger-to-end-all-fishmongers, Mr. Franklin Powers (aka ‘the Fishmonger’). Frank Powers is, to use the parlance of our times, ‘the man’, and is widely respected throughout every genus and stratum of young society in lower Westchester. Since the end of term, however, the Fishmonger has been working full time at his fishmongerly duties which leaves him massively fatigued at end of day and lacking the energy to go out and spend his hard-earned money. Ah well. I have it on good authority that he did manage to make it out this evening and engage in some form of social activity for at least a portion of the night.

Very sadly, Mr. Gill and Caro’s sister Lizzie were injured in a car accident on their way back from her riding lesson. Though the car flipped over three times, by the Grace of God they escaped relatively unharmed but for some scrapes and bruises. Many prayers of thanks to God for their health and their lives! I knew Lizzie was alright, though, when I called Caro’s cell on their way home from the hospital and, upon being informed that I was on the line, Lizzie was filled with all sorts of ill words and insults for me, as per usual. All is well in the world.

And below, Caro exhibits her wonderful potting skills.

Published at 9:53 pm on Wednesday 1 June 2005. Categories: Journal People Photos.

We have a Corgi named Duncan:) Your dogs are so sweet!

Janine 13 Nov 2007 7:37 am
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