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The Kate Kennedy Procession 2005

Once again it is Procession Day here in St Andrews, when we have the annual Kate Kennedy Procession to harken the return of springtime. Unfortunately, like last year, it was on the cold side and rather grey, despite some truly beautiful days previously.

For those of you who don’t know it, the Kate Kennedy procession is a medieval rite of spring which was resurrected in the past century. Kate Kennedy, according to lore, was the niece of Bishop James Kennedy, the founder of St. Salvator’s College. Owing to her beauty, a procession was held in spring in her honor, according to lore. Eventually, these became pretty rowdy, and as such were banned in the 19th century. In the 1920’s, Donald Kennedy, an indirect descendant of Bishop Kennedy himself, decided the resurrect the procession and founded the Kate Kennedy Club for this distinct purpose.

The Club admits nine new members each year from the bejant (first year) class. One of these is selected to portray the comely Kate Kennedy in the Procession, and is joined by the eight other bejants as sheild-bearers, and other students, members, and friends of the University who dress up as important figures from the history of town and gown.

It used to be quite controversial, as the Kate Kennedy Club is all-male, and until a few years ago all historic figures (ladies included) were portrayed by males as well. Now, however, the lady figures are usually portrayed by women, and even one or two of the male ones too.

Above and below are some photos before the start of the Procession, when those involved gather in St. Salvator’s Quad, then march out through the college gate, snaking their way through the streets of the Royal Burgh.

Kaitlyn Laird, Shieldbearer to Bishop Wardlaw, hails from the State of Washington and is seen enjoying a pre-procession cigarette.

Glaswegian Peter Blair, as Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, and some guy from Texas as I’m not quite sure whom.

Rorie Evans, astute as ever, portrays Professor John Burnet.

The University Shieldbearer takes note of two dogs making eachother’s acquaintance.

Vladimir Bukaric, of Atlanta, Georgia, as Gavin Douglas, first to translate Virgil’s Aenied into Scots.

KK member and incoming Students Association president Alex Yabroff (a Californian, I believe) as Kate’s herald. At right is Jos Seligman as Joseph Alistair Duthie, who took a first in classics, graduating in 1939, joining the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders in 1940, and one of the first St Andreans killed in the Second World War (December 4, 1941 at Bir el Gubi).

Andrew Ogletree (a Connecticutian, boy we Americans are numerous) as King James VI, a graduate and benefactor of the University.

Bishop Lamberton (our own Yusuke), medieval churchman, and Laurence of Lindores (Dr. Frank Quinalt), the first Rector of the University.

The shieldbearer of Bishop Kennedy.

A piper was on the roof of the chapel before the procession started.

The University Shieldbearer.

Bishop Lamberton processes.

Bishop Wardlaw, founder of the University, also burnt the first heretic in 1433.

And there she is, Kate Kennedy herself, Mr. Thomas Wright.

The coach of the murdered Archbishop Sharp, killed by Presbyterians resisting royal attempts to restore the episcopacy in Scotland.

Field Marshal the Earl Haig, Lord Rector and then Chancellor of the University.

Kate’s Herald being pondered by A.B. Paterson’s westie.

The University Air Squadron did two fly-bys as well.

Published at 1:50 pm on Saturday 16 April 2005. Categories: Journal Photos St Andrews Tradition.
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