London, GB | Formerly of New York, Buenos Aires, Fife, and the Western Cape. | Saoránach d’Éirinn.

‘Diary of a Nomad’

Langston Fishburne is probably one of the most fascinating people I know. He always adds that extra bit of surrealism to an everyday situation to make it extraordinary. Among his many achievements, he is the only person to have pinched Sarah S.’s bottom on three different continents. A ballet dancer as well as a keen equestrian despite his ghastly horse allergy, Langston tells me that he has inherited my old Math textbook under the tutelage of the infamous Mr. Donald Johnson at TD.

I recall one day in the thoroughly uninspiring refectory of the aforementioned academy, Langston and I convinced Thomas Mills that Langston’s father was known around the world as the premier builder and designer of aquariums, rather than the award-winning thespian that he actually is. Tom seemed rather upset to find out Langston’s father is not, nor has ever been, an aquarium impresario.

Nevertheless, Mr. Fishburne fancies himself a writer, and we look forward to the day we shall be able to read his first novel Diary of a Nomad in print. Here follows a synopsis:

Diary of a Nomad chronicles the life of James, a writer in his mid-twenties working for a travel magazine in Europe. Alongside James is his promiscuous photographer friend who prevents him from accomplishing much of what he sets out to achieve. Then there are the attempts made by James’s father to establish a relationship after several years of silence between the two. But is the effort is too little and too late to make a difference? And what about James’s floundering attempts at romance? The only thing that keeps James going during these trials is the incessant prodding of his employer and the search for some reward for enduring the load. But sometimes there isn’t always a reward for life’s experiences. Sometimes the reward is the experience itself.
Published at 10:50 am on Sunday 6 June 2004. Categories: People.
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